Dear Prospective Partner,

We want to thank you for your interest in partnering with the Zeta Eta chapter of Phi Chi Theta! In 2009, 14 campus leaders came together to found a chapter guided by five pillars: professionalism, diversity, philanthropy, leadership, and brotherhood. Since then, Phi Chi Theta at Indiana University has expanded to over 100 high-performing students covering a diverse range of backgrounds, interests, and professional aspirations.

Our brothers are involved in a variety of organizations, clubs, and activities on campus. From intramural sports teams to student government to competitive Kelley workshops, our wide-ranging campus involvement embodies the commitment our members have to being successful both within and outside of the classroom. It is our firm belief, however, that community doesn’t end at the foot of our campus gates. PCT remains involved in the surrounding Bloomington community through annual philanthropic work with organizations like Big Brothers Big Sisters, The Wheeler Mission, SCAAP, and Redbud Nursing Home.

As our chapter continues to grow, we continuously look to partner with companies that stand by our fraternity pillars. As our corporate partner, fraternity-wide programming like case competitions, lunch and learns, and interactive information sessions provide you unparalleled access to our group of motivated, hard-working, and highly capable brothers.

Throughout our Corporate Relations page, you will gain a better understanding of the demographics, academic standing, and extracurricular involvement of our members. It is our hope that with your support, Phi Chi Theta can continue to actively work to develop professional skills and instill a sense of confidence in our brothers as they pursue their ambitions.

On behalf of the Zeta Eta chapter, thank you again for your interest and consideration and we look forward to working with you! For additional information, feel free to email us at pct.corporateteam.iu@gmail.com.


Samprit Munikuntla and Justinian Alexos

Directors of Corporate Relations, Spring 2024